Weirdest and Creepiest videos ever on youtube

Hey guys.
Are you bored ?

Well if you are , here are the most creepiest and weirdest videos ever uploaded on YouTube that would definitely make your skin crawl off you. 
 Try to watch these videos at night alone in your room , it would probably double the thrill !

7. Agamemnon Counterpart
The nonsensical text introduction to this animated abomination serves as a warning. This clip is only 90 seconds long but packs plenty of trippy chaos into that short time. After it’s over, all we have are questions. Who is the new friend we’ve just made? Why was he screaming and laughing? And just what was on that videotape found in the ruins of a certain blue planet in the year 2571? What’s the echoing noise at the beginning? Church bells?

6.Dining Room Or There Is Nothing
Yet another creepy video uploaded on YouTube from the channel Davidebearle.
There’s so much in this video that haunts the viewer, but perhaps the most terrifying aspect of it is the young woman’s stare. She seems to gaze right through us, looking into our souls and finding . . . well, the title says it all.

5. The Wyoming Incident
This video is uploaded by the user 'Jonrev'.
In this clip, a poor local newscaster is interrupted by the mysterious message “333-333-333.” It claims to have a “SPECIAL PRESENTATION” in store and that “YOU WILL SEE SUCH PRETTY THINGS.” In between similarly vague yet disturbing messages, grayscale faces with a variety of creepy expressions are shown. All throughout, the music that plays is best compared to an NES game soundtrack written by Cthulhu. 

 This clip was uploaded by the publisher 'nana825763' on February 26 , 2008.
In this video, an unseen computer user attempts to visit a YouTube channel whose name bears the number of the beast. The account is suspended, but this intrepid Internet explorer will not be deterred. Showing all the common sense of your average horror-flick teenager, he or she hits refresh over and over. Slowly but surely, the text, images, and layout of YouTube start to take on a more sinister tone. 

Eventually, he or she does come upon the satanic channel, and the videos it contains are abstract and horrifying. The images and sounds are disturbing enough, but when the user attempts to escape, the browser refuses to close. While YouTube’s layout has changed dramatically since this video’s release, the effect is still chilling. It’s because the video taps into a fear we all have about the site and the Internet in general .

3. Don't move
This video is absolutely not a family friendly video , this video contains extreme blood filled violent scenes.

It’s long been ingrained in pop culture that playing with Ouija boards is a bad idea. They started a house fire in Paranormal Activity, gave Regan wicked indigestion in The Exorcist, and now they’ve ruined an otherwise delightful dinner party in Don’t Move, a short film by the Bloody Cuts film company. 

The short film details what happens when a group of British twenty somethings call out to the underworld with the old cardboard medium. What answers is a shadow-cloaked ghost demon that makes the smoke monster from Lost look like London fog in comparison. He wants to play a game of “Red Light, Green Light,” but the penalty for losing is horrific evisceration or face removal.
Once the rules are made clear to the party goers, it’s every man and woman for themselves. Tensions mount and buckets of blood are spilled in this film that’s definitely not family friendly. Next time, why not bring Parcheesi to game night?

2. The Swedish rhapsody
Uploaded by 'theconetarchive' This clip is quite possibly the freakiest of numbers stations broadcasts. Number stations are shortwave radio stations that broadcast encrypted messages across the globe in the form of creepy music and creepy people repeating strings of numbers in a creepy way. 

This track in particular is nightmare-inducing because of the distorted ice cream truck music and the little girl speaking German numbers over and over. It becomes even more sinister when you realize that it’s possible this message was used as the order to kill someone.

1. Bedfellows
To me , its the most scariest videos i have ever watched , this video was uploaded by the channel fewdiodotcom. 

Bedfellows, a short film by Drew Daywalt, follows one of the oldest fears of humans: fear of intimacy. We’re afraid to be close to someone because, in that state, we are at our most vulnerable. It doesn’t matter if you’re a frail weakling or a hulking bodybuilder. A warm embrace can still conceal a knife in the back.
This fear of intimacy manifests itself in this video in the form of a question: Do you really know who’s sleeping next to you? As is so often the case with good horror, it’s the anticipation of the answer that makes it so nerve-racking. We can see the face of the “bedfellow,” but she won’t until it’s too late.

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